Blog Tutorials

Templating out chunks of reusable front end code in WordPress

No matter what you are engineering, there are a number of principles that stay the same. D.R.Y (don’t repeat yourself) is one of those principles. While building out your WordPress theme, you’ll likely notice that there are a few different chunks that are the same across the site. Let’s make them D.R.Y!

Blog Tutorials

How to get email working with Vagrant and MailCatcher

Recently I needed to send emails locally. My local dev environment uses Vagrant, so I researched some options and tried installing MailCatcher. I was able to successfully install MailCatcher and run it locally, however I couldn’t access it from my host machine. If I used curl on my virtual machine I could see the HTML for MailCatcher, […]

Articles Blog

The importance of clean code

Have you ever heard the saying “code is poetry”? Probably. I think every engineer has heard that phrase before. I have known it for a long time, and I thought I knew what it meant. It wasn’t until sometime relatively recently (within the past year) that I really started to understand what it meant. Once I did, I […]

Open Source

Menu Section Titles (WP Plugin)

Add the ability to create menu items that aren’t a link. Useful in scenarios like a large footer menu where you want to have sections with links underneath the section titles. View on WordPress Plugin Directory View on GitHub  

Blog Tutorials

How to remove breadcrumbs, result count, etc from pages in WooCommerce

If you’ve worked with WooCommerce, then you know that it is PACKED with features. These are awesome! Sometimes, however, you need to get rid of some of the stuff that WooCommerce spits out by default. Luckily, we can do that relatively easily.


E-Z Rent A Car

I was the lead on the E-Z Rent A Car site redesign and development project. I worked with a team of designers and developers to completely redesign and build their site (including fully functional booking system) using Drupal 7. This project involved a lot of custom development- ranging from the reservation system to marketing campaign […]

Blog Tutorials

Fix for Vagrant not detecting existing VM

Recently, I had to restart my Vagrant to apply some changes. When I went to vagrant  up, a scary thing happened: vagrant started to download the entire box over again. Vagrant wasn’t detecting my existing box! Not only is this inconvenient if you have specific configurations you made to your Vagrant after the initial install, but […]

Blog Tutorials

How to share your local dev environment using ngrok

Update 5-16-2015: I wrote a new article explaining How to get VVV and ngrok working This one goes out to all you web developers out there. If you are developing sites, you are probably using version control & working locally (if you’re not- you should be). Your current workflow probably looks something like: make changes […]

Blog Tutorials

Current Page Highlighting in an AngularJS Application

If you are building a web application using AngularJS, chances are one of the first things you will want to set up is the routing and navigation. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up current page highlighting in an angular application. Let’s get started!

Blog Tutorials

How to create an accordion with AngularJS

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create an accordion using Angular.js. In this tutorial we will create a fully functional accordion in an Angular controller. In a follow up post, we will take our accordion out of the controller and abstract it into an Angular directive, making it fully dynamic and much more […]